Monday, March 3, 2008

A series of unhappening events

I've officially fucked up my gmail account. First I thought I could delete my account because something screwed up and then register the same user name for my gmail but noooo gmail doesn't recycle the user names and my is basically still floating around but I can't use it. Fuck la. Since Nuffnang uses email accounts as a login I've lost my previous earnings too. Life sucks at this point but nothings gonna get in my way to easily. I've registered a similarly different user name which is and a different blog address.

Life still goes on, I'm starting from scratch again and I hope my fellow readers would remain loyal =).

Moving on.

Following up on Chi Khan's previous post, there we're two idiots who claims themselves to be the "Guardians Of the Teddy Bear Vending Machine" on the first floor in Asia Cafe.

QiQi and Soungie

Why? Because they think that they can win the teddy bear with the fake shit limp ass claw that doesn't grab the gifts in the machine. It takes RM1 to play the machine and so one fine Friday I decided to go visit my fellow Taylorians because I missed them. I also brought Fatfcuk with me because he was bored too.

I decided not to leave the place without the teddy bear and changed my RM10 into coins to play the stupid machine.

Limp ass claw

After wasting RM4 on the machine I figured I needed a rest to think of a strategy so me, Fatfcuk and Soungie went to second floor and play foosball. Then Soungie had to leave because he has classes to attend to which leaves me and Fatfcuk there. Being unsatisfied of being unable to get the teddy bear, we decided to try again.

I was in the verge of believing that there might be no way of winning it but Fatfcuk displayed his unwillingness to give up.

After using all his money on the damn machine he went to change RM5 again! It was quite a hefty price to pay considering the embarrassment we had to deal with since everyone was laughing at our stupidity.

Yeah baby!

Finally! After RM8 into the machine and a sheer amount of luck, Fatfcuk caught the fucking bear as his fucking prize! I was too shocked to the point where I can only laugh when he got the teddy bear!

Rip-off teddy

Peace out!

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